Allows importing modules with a '.json' extension, which is a common practice in node projects. This includes generating a type for the import
based on the static JSON shape.
TypeScript does not support resolving JSON files by default:
// @errors: 2732
// @filename: settings.json
"repo": "TypeScript",
"dry": false,
"debug": false
// @filename: index.ts
import settings from "./settings.json";
settings.debug === true;
settings.dry === 2;
// @errors: 2732
// @filename: settings.json
"repo": "TypeScript",
"dry": false,
"debug": false
// @filename: index.ts
import settings from "./settings.json";
settings.debug === true;
settings.dry === 2;
Enabling the option allows importing JSON, and validating the types in that JSON file.
// @errors: 2367
// @resolveJsonModule
// @module: commonjs
// @moduleResolution: node
// @filename: settings.json
"repo": "TypeScript",
"dry": false,
"debug": false
// @filename: index.ts
import settings from "./settings.json";
settings.debug === true;
settings.dry === 2;
// @errors: 2367
// @resolveJsonModule
// @module: commonjs
// @moduleResolution: node
// @filename: settings.json
"repo": "TypeScript",
"dry": false,
"debug": false
// @filename: index.ts
import settings from "./settings.json";
settings.debug === true;
settings.dry === 2;